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Streamline video and music downloads with KeepStreams and KeepBeats!
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Your Gateway to Seamless Video Downloads!
Download videos from popular streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney Plus, Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, and more with ease.
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Your Melodic Haven for Music Downloads!
Discover a vast collection of chart-topping hits, undiscovered gems, and timeless classics from platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more.
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KeepStreams & KeepBeats: Leading the Way in Seamless Video and Music Downloads

In 2018, KeepVid laid the foundation as an innovative online video download service. As word spread about the user-friendly interface and reliability, our brand swiftly gained popularity, attracting a massive and devoted user base from around the globe.

The pivotal year of 2021 marked a significant transformation for our brand, culminating in its rebirth as KeepStreams. The rebrand was more than a mere name change; it represented a bold vision to cater to users' evolving needs. KeepStreams emerged as a comprehensive streaming video download service, empowering users with seamless offline access to an expansive library of video content.

The journey continued to unfold in 2023 with the momentous introduction of KeepBeats, a groundbreaking streaming music download service. With KeepBeats, users could not only explore but effortlessly download music from diverse sources, elevating their digital content experience to unparalleled heights.

Today, KeepStreams remains at the forefront of the industry, driven by innovation and the dedication to provide an enriched digital content experience like never before.

Trusted by Millions, Acclaimed by Experts