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How to Download Rakuten TV Videos? [2024]

| Rakuten TV |
Updated on Dec 25, 2023 | 5 Minutes Reading
Discover how to download Rakuten TV videos on both mobile devices and computers using official download feature and specialized software.

Rakuten TV is a video-on-demand service available in Japan (tv.rakuten.co.jp) and some European countries (www.rakuten.tv). Here's the good news: whether you're in Japan or Europe, you can download Rakuten TV videos on most mobile devices.

In this guide, we'll show you the detailed steps for downloading Rakuten TV videos using the offline feature on mobile devices. We've also got you covered for downloading Rakuten TV videos on computers, whether you use Windows or macOS.

However, the steps for downloading vary across different Rakuten TV domains, so we'll split this article into two parts. One part will cover downloading from tv.rakuten.co.jp, while the other will be from www.rakuten.tv. This way, you'll get specific instructions for your region!

How to Download Rakuten TV Videos from tv.rakuten.co.jp?

In Japan, Rakuten TV offers an extensive library with over 250,000 videos, including movies, series, live streams, and more. You can access Rakuten TV for free or choose to rent, purchase, or subscribe to specific SVOD plans for unlimited content streaming.

Download Rakuten TV Videos on Mobile Devices

Download Rakuten TV (tv.rakuten.co.jp) videos on mobile devices

Now, let's explore how to download videos from Rakuten TV. You can easily download Rakuten TV videos on your Android or iOS devices using the official offline feature. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • Get the Rakuten TV app on your mobile device.
  • Open the Rakuten TV app and sign in to your account.
  • Search for the Rakuten TV video you wish to download.
  • If your desired video is downloadable, a download button will be visible.
  • Tap the download button to initiate the download process instantly.

Note: It's better to rent or buy the video you want on the website before downloading it to your mobile device. To check if a video is downloadable, visit its details page and look for アプリでDL可 info.

Download info on Rakuten TV

Download Rakuten TV Videos on Computers

KeepStreams for Rakuten TV

For those aiming to download Rakuten TV videos on a computer, consider using KeepStreams for Rakuten TV. This handy Rakuten TV downloader simplifies the process of downloading videos from tv.rakuten.co.jp. Here's a rundown of its top features:

  • Support both Windows and macOS operating systems.
  • Enable downloading Rakuten TV videos in up to 720p.
  • Allow downloading Rakuten TV videos in H.264 format.
  • Enable downloading Rakuten TV videos with AAC 2.0 audio.
  • Enable batch downloading of multiple Rakuten TV videos.
  • Automatically download newly released Rakuten TV episodes.
  • Download subtitles along with videos or as separate SRT files.
  • Automatically remove ads from downloaded Rakuten TV videos.

Looking for the best Rakuten TV downloaders? Read this article for more information.

Now, here's a step-by-step guide for downloading Rakuten TV videos on your computer using KeepStreams:

  • Download and install KeepStreams for Rakuten TV on your computer.
  • Launch the KeepStreams client and navigate to VIP Services, then Rakuten TV.

Select Rakuten TV from VIP Services

  • Log into your Rakuten TV account. If the content you're after is free on Rakuten TV, you can skip this step. But for VOD or SVOD content, logging in is necessary.
  • Browse Rakuten TV for the desired video.

Browse Rakuten TV for your desired video

  • Play the video, and KeepStreams will begin analyzing it.
  • After analysis, a download window will appear.
  • Customize your download settings according to your preferences.

Customize download settings

  • Click Download Now to start the download process. To queue multiple videos for later download, use the Add to Queue feature.

How to Download Rakuten TV Videos from www.rakuten.tv?

Having covered downloading from tv.rakuten.co.jp, let's now talk about www.rakuten.tv. In Europe, Rakuten TV offers free, rental, and purchased videos, much like in Japan, but without unlimited viewing through SVOD plans.

Download Rakuten TV Videos on Mobile Devices

Just like in Japan, you can download Rakuten TV videos using the official download feature on mobile devices. The steps are quite similar, and here they are:

  • Get the Rakuten TV app on your mobile device.
  • Open the Rakuten TV app and sign in to your account.
  • Search for the Rakuten TV video you wish to download.
  • When you've found your video, rent or buy it.
  • If the video is downloadable, you'll see a Download button on the details page.
  • Tap the Download button to initiate the download process instantly.

Download Rakuten TV Videos on Computers

KeepStreams for MPD

When it comes to downloading Rakuten TV videos on computers from www.rakuten.tv, you'll need to use KeepStreams for MPD. This MPD downloader offers similar features to KeepStreams for Rakuten TV but is currently limited to the Windows OS. Let's dive right into the steps:

  • Download and install KeepStreams for MPD on your computer.
  • Open the KeepStreams client and navigate to www.rakuten.tv using the built-in browser on the homepage.

Access Rakuten TV by entering www.rakuten.tv into the built-in browser of KeepStreams

  • Log into your Rakuten TV account. If the content you're after is free on Rakuten TV, you can skip this step. But for VOD content, logging in is necessary.
  • Browse Rakuten TV for the desired video.

Browse Rakuten TV for your desired video

  • Play the video, and KeepStreams will begin analyzing it.
  • After analysis, a download window will appear.
  • Customize your download settings, adjusting Video, Audio, Subtitle, and more according to your preferences.

Customize download settings

  • Click Download Now to start the download process. To queue multiple videos for later download, use the Add to Queue feature.


Rakuten TV in Japan and Europe offers various viewing options - free, rental, and purchased videos - alongside the handy feature to download content for offline watching.

This guide shared detailed steps for downloading Rakuten TV videos on mobile devices and computers. By using the official download features and specialized software like KeepStreams for Rakuten TV or KeepStreams for MPD, users can watch their favorite content offline.

Evelyn Walters
Since 2019, I've been deeply involved in creating articles, especially in streaming services. I started contributing regularly to KeepStreams in 2021, focusing on analyzing different platforms and sharing insights. As a committed content creator here, I aim to use my expertise to create engaging and informative content for our readers.
Jessie Smith
Jessie Smith
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