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How to download videos from AV Channel (AV Channel) and alternative software to WS Player?

| Adult Services |
Updated on Aug 10, 2022 | 3 Minutes Reading
AV Channel is an adult video distribution service that offers PPV sales and subscription video streaming. This article will show you how to download AV Channel videos through WS Player, as well as alternative software to WS Player.

AV Channel is an adult video distribution service that offers PPV sales and subscription video streaming. In addition, AV Channel has the ability to download videos, but without installing WS Player, it is impossible to come downloading smoothly. In this article, we will show you how to download AV Channel videos through WS Player, as well as alternative software to WS Player.

How to download videos from AV Channel with WS Player?

1. We have installed WS Player.

First of all, please download and install WS Player for AV Channel video downloader.

2. Download the videos.

Select the video you want to download from the Purchased Products page.

Click the Download button on the Purchased Products page.

3. WS Player will start and downloading will begin.

Notes on using WS Player

  • If you cancel your AV Channel membership, you will no longer be able to download purchased products.
  • Not all devices can download, Windows/Mac are supported, but smartphones and tablets only support streaming.
  • Some content has a limited storage period. If you purchase a PPV title with a 7-day viewing period, you can download it anytime within 7 days of purchase, and if you purchase a PPV title with an unlimited viewing period, you can download it without restriction.
  • In addition, if you have purchased a subscription, you may download content until the end of your subscription period.
  • Titles for which distribution has been suspended or sales have been discontinued cannot be downloaded even if the viewing period (including unlimited viewing period) remains. In addition, downloaded files will not be playable after the end of the subscription period or after distribution has been suspended.
  • Once the AV channel is terminated, you will also no longer be able to download purchased products.

It is true that there are various restrictions on downloading AV Channel videos using WS Player. Next, we will introduce a software that allows you to download your purchased products without WS Player and without any restrictions.

What software can I use to download AV Channel videos instead of WS Player?

If you want to download unlimited AV Channel videos, you need a professional downloader. Here, we would like to introduce a download software called KeepStreams/Adult Downloader.

What is KeepStreams Adult Downloader?

KeepStreams Adult Downloader is a downloader that allows you to download and permanently store an unlimited number of videos purchased from AV Channels, as well as similar sites such as MGS, FANZA, and other adult product sales services. You can also download purchased videos from similar sites such as MGS, FANZA, etc.

The following are the advantages of KeepStreams Adult Downloader.

  • Download videos from AV channels in the highest HD quality.
  • Save videos in the highly versatile format MP4
  • Permanent storage of subscription streaming and purchased products on your own hard disk, regardless of whether they have been suspended or discontinued
  • Easily remove DRM technology from adult videos and download videos.

Next, we will talk about how to download AV channels with KeepStreams Adult Downloader.

Steps to download AV Channel

1) Go to the official website of Keep Streams, download and install this software.

2) Launch KeepStreams Adult Downloader and enter the AV Channel web link in the address bar.

3) Log in to AV Channel and play the movies on your subscription/purchased list.

4) Select the quality and audio you wish to save in the dialog box that appears, then click "Download Now.

Downloading AV Channel Summary

In this article, we have introduced two ways to download AV Channel videos.

  • Download AV Channel videos with WS Player
  • Download AV Channel videos with KeepStreams/Adult Downloader

Comparing the two, we recommend the latter one: KeepStreams allows you to download an unlimited number of purchased AV Channel videos. And once you have downloaded videos from similar sites of AV Channel (AV Channel), you can use KeepStreams. Specifically.

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