Download Movies from Netflix with KeepStreams!
Download Movies from Netflix with KeepStreams!
KeepStreams for Netflix stands out as the best Netflix downloader that seamlessly operates on both Windows and macOS systems, delivering swift downloads of Netflix videos in 1080p MP4 or MKV formats.
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What is the Netflix Download Limit? How to Download Netflix Shows Forever?

| Netflix |
Updated on May 07, 2023 | 5 Minutes Reading
Do you want to download content from Netflix, but it shows different errors? It is due to the Netflix download limit. Read this guide to learn to bypass these restriction.

Netflix is one of the leading streaming platforms with plenty of original shows. Viewers from all around the world appreciate this application for quality content. Netflix allows you to download content directly, but there are many Netflix download limits that people are not aware of.

Therefore, in this article, we will cover these limitations and discuss a worthy downloader, KeepStreams, that helps you permanently save Netflix content. So, let's hop on without further delay.

Can I Download Netflix Movies Directly from Netflix?


Netflix understands the importance of offline streaming. Therefore, it provides the users with the opportunity to stream the content offline with direct downloading. Yes! You can directly download your favorite show or movie on your iOS, Android, Mac, or Windows.

  • Direct downloading brings in tons of benefits, such as
  • You can download content without third-party application involvement.
  • No need to make separate folders for movies and shows.
  • The subtitles are downloaded and integrated.
  • You can enjoy the downloaded show in different available languages.

Despite these benefits, there are certain limitations that bar users from sharing the content. It lets users download the shows but stops them from downloading too many videos simultaneously. It not only restricts the limit but also sets an expiration date. It means you will have to re-download the content after a particular time period.

Do you want some suggestions for the best Netflix shows, give 10 Best Netflix 3D Movies Review 2023 a read!

What is the Netflix Download Limit?

 KeepStreams Download Limit

Netflix download limit is a set of rules for the protection of authorship and reserve copyrights. Recently, Netflix has spent a lot on original content and successfully built a strong portfolio of movies, documentaries, and TV shows, but still, it features content from other creators. Hence, the Netflix yearly download limit is somewhat managed by the license holder, and it varies for every content.

How Long Do Netflix Downloads Last?

Netflix Download

As it depends on the license holders, Netflix does not reveal the download limit set on every show. Users only receive the notification regarding the limit when one last download is left.

Similarly, the download expiration of content is managed by the creators themselves and also changes from person to person. Some movies and shows may not expire for weeks, even after finishing, while others might expire in only 48 hours.

There is no second method to get the actual expiry date of the content. It is irritating and quite inconvenient, especially when the users cannot view the downloaded show within the expiration limit.

How to Download Netflix Movies and Shows Forever?

For a movie enthusiast, the downloading limit and slow internet are real mod breakers. Netflix is one of the most liked and appreciated platforms, but its downloading limit is pulling the viewers away. If you want to enjoy unlimited downloads from Netflix without any restriction, you need to get a hand on an excellent video downloader such as KeepStreams Netflix Video Downloader.

KeepStreams: The Best Netflix Video Downloader

KeepStreams allows you to download as many videos as you want without regional restrictions and claiming hefty fees. Here are some notable benefits of using KeepStreams downloading videos from KeepStreams.


High-Quality Download

The KeepStreams Video Downloader allows you to save your favorite video in a variety of different resolutions. You can select the one according to the available space and internet availability. The maximum video resolution it supports is 1080p.

Batch Download

KeepStreams knows the value of time. Therefore, it allows you to select different titles, make a queue, and hit the download button. According to the length of your queue, your content will be downloaded quickly.

Auto Download New Releases

The episodes of different shows are broadcasted at regular intervals. You can add your preferred television program to the schedule, and the episodes will be automatically downloaded.

Filter Out Ads

Netflix has recently launched an advertising program that can interrupt your movie's time. Still, when you download the content from KeepStreams, it filters out the ads to maintain a good experience.

How to Download Videos from KeepStreams?

Follow these simple steps to download the videos conveniently from KeepStreams Downloader:

  • Get a compatible device and connect it with a stable and high-speed internet connection.
  • Download KeepStreams Netflix video downloader and launch it.
  • Navigate to VIP services and select Netflix. Log in to your account using your credentials.


  • Locate the video and customize output settings such as Video, Audio, and Subtitles.
  • Hit the download button to complete the process, or click Add to Queue to save it to download later.

How to Fix Netflix Errors during Downloading Netflix Videos?

If you download a large number of shows from Netflix, you may have experienced some downloading-related limits. But do not worry, here are some common fixes for you.

Downloading Netflix Videos

Too Many Downloads Videos Error

One of the major Netflix content downloading issues is the quantity. The users are allowed to download a maximum of 100 titles on one device in a set timeframe. In case the users exceed the limit, they will receive a notification that "You have too many downloaded videos" on the Netflix application.

If you want to download anything else, you need to remove previous videos. For instance, you can delete ten older videos to download ten new episodes. Otherwise, Netflix won't let you save new movies.

Content Downloaded on Multiple Devices Error

In case you get the notification stating, "You have downloaded on too many devices," it reflects that you have reached the limit Netflix allows to download content on different devices. It usually happens when you download the video on a device, and it does not have space, or maybe their account plan is not supported.

To cope with this issue, either you can delete the videos from an existing device, or you can upgrade their Netflix plan to premium.

Have Reached Yearly Download Limit Error

It is a rare error but a long-term impacting one. Many videos have a cap on the number of times they can be downloaded every year. In case you receive this notification, it implies that you have reached the upper limit of downloading a specific show.

Every show has a different limit, but it mainly relies on the licensing deal Netflix has with the original content creator. If you are willing to know how to get around Netflix's yearly download restriction, unfortunately, there is no way. Users have to wait for a specified time before they can download it again.


Netflix is a leading streaming platform with lots of thrilling, funny, and action content. People prefer this platform over many others due to the plethora of benefits. However, Netflix has a download limit that restricts people from downloading unlimited content.

Therefore, we suggest you get a hand on KeepStreams. It allows unlimited downloads without regional restriction and hinders the quality.

Alison Warren
Senior Editor
I’m Alison Warren, your expert in video downloading. With 3 years of experience as a Product Manager under my belt, I specialize in providing in-depth product reviews and easy-to-understand software usage guides. My love for catching up with cutting-edge industry developments keeps me on top of my game.
Jessie Smith
Jessie Smith
If you are interested in what KeepStreams can save, movie should come first for one of its best features.

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