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Top 6 Crunchyroll Downloaders for Anime Fans

| Crunchyroll |
Updated on Apr 14, 2023 | 5 Minutes Reading
Are you searching for the best downloaders for Crunchyroll? Look no further! Our curated list features top-rated tools that offer fast and easy downloads.

Crunchyroll is a well-liked site for watching anime because of the extensive library it provides. While it’s convenient to watch your favorite shows online, sometimes you may want to download them for offline viewing. To do so, you’ll need a reliable downloader that can download videos from Crunchyroll directly to your device.

Here, you'll learn about the top Crunchyroll downloaders that can be used right now. It doesn't matter whether you're on a desktop computer or a smartphone, we've got you covered!

1. KeepStreams

KeepStreams is a well-liked video downloader that allows you to download videos from Crunchyroll and other sites. You can use KeepStreams to do more than only download movies from video-streaming sites; it can also be used to download music from music-streaming sites and convert it to a variety of formats.

With KeepStreams, you can download your favorite anime shows and movies from Crunchyroll and save them offline for later viewing. This best Crunchyroll downloader is easy to use and supports multiple video formats and resolutions, making it a versatile tool for all your downloading needs. 

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2. Keepvid

Keepv.id is a dependable and robust online video downloader that supports a broad variety of streaming services, including Crunchyroll. It has a simple and straightforward interface, so downloading movies is a breeze. With Keepv.id, you don't have to worry about complicated procedures or technical know-how – simply copy the URL of the Crunchyroll video you want to download, paste it into the downloader, select your preferred format and resolution, and hit the download button.

One of the key features of Keepv.id is its ability to download videos in various resolutions, ranging from 240p to 1080p, depending on the available options on the streaming platform. Users are given the option of selecting a video quality that is optimal for their particular gadget and connection speed. Additionally, Keepv.id supports various video formats, including MP4, WebM, and 3GP, making it easy for users to save videos in the format they prefer.

Another advantage of Keepv.id is that it is compatible with a variety of devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. This means that you can download Crunchyroll videos from virtually any device as long as you have an Internet connection.

3. Youtube4KDownloader

Youtube4KDownloader is an effective video downloader that supports several streaming services, including Crunchyroll. It has a straightforward interface and allows users to download films in several formats and resolutions, including 4K Ultra HD. With Youtube4KDownloader, users can download their favorite anime series and movies from Crunchyroll and watch them offline at any time.

One of the unique features of Youtube4KDownloader is its ability to download entire playlists or channels from YouTube, making it a great tool for binge-watching your favorite anime shows. It also allows for numerous video downloads to be completed simultaneously thanks to its capability for batch downloading. This feature can save you a lot of time if you need to download several episodes of an anime series. Furthermore, Youtube4KDownloader provides fast download speeds through multi-threaded acceleration technology, ensuring that your videos are downloaded quickly without any interruptions.

4. CleverGet

If you're looking for a reliable and user-friendly solution to download your favorite anime from Crunchyroll, CleverGet should definitely be on your list. This powerful software allows you to download episodes, movies, and even entire series with just a few clicks so that you can watch them offline anytime, anywhere.

The flexibility of CleverGet is one of its greatest strengths. It's capable of producing videos in a variety of formats, such as MP4, MKV, WEBM, and more. This means you can not only download Crunchyroll videos on your computer but also transfer them to your preferred gadget without any compatibility issues.

Overall, CleverGet is a top-notch Crunchyroll downloader that combines simplicity, and flexibility into one package. Whether you're a newcomer to the anime genre or a die-hard fanatic, this program will enhance your viewing experience. If you haven't tried it yet, why not today?

5. Wondershare UniConverter

Wondershare UniConverter is an all-in-one video converter, editor, and downloader that supports a wide range of websites, including popular video streaming sites like Crunchyroll. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it's no wonder why it's one of the top choices for anime fans who want to download their favorite shows from Crunchyroll.

One feature that sets Wondershare UniConverter apart from other downloaders is its batch-processing function. This allows users to download multiple episodes or even entire seasons with just a few clicks, saving them time and effort. Plus, the downloader supports high-quality downloading up to 4K UHD resolution, ensuring that you can enjoy your anime in the best possible way.

Converting movies to various formats is another useful function of Wondershare UniConverter. This is great news for everyone who wants to enjoy anime on a variety of screens. The software also includes a built-in video editor that enables users to trim, crop, add effects, and subtitles, making it easy to customize your videos to your liking.

6. iTubeGo

iTubeGo is a powerful video downloader that enables anime fans to download high-quality content from Crunchyroll seamlessly. It supports several video formats, such as MP4, AVI, MOV, and others, for users to download.

What sets iTubeGo apart from other Crunchyroll downloaders is its lightning-fast download speed that ensures downloads are completed at breakneck speed. With its advanced technology, the software can download multiple videos simultaneously without compromising quality or speed.

One of the standout features of iTubeGo is the built-in browser that makes it easy to navigate through Crunchyroll's vast library of anime shows and movies. Users can search for their favorite titles, select the episodes they want to download, and start the download process in seconds.

With iTubeGo, there are no restrictions on the number of videos you can download, and the software is incredibly easy to use even for those who are not tech-savvy. The intuitive interface makes it a breeze to use, and the step-by-step guide ensures that users can get started with downloading their favorite anime content quickly.


In conclusion, anime fans can now download their favorite shows from Crunchyroll with ease using the top six downloaders listed above. These downloaders have proven to be efficient and reliable, providing users with high-quality video downloads.

With these downloaders, anime enthusiasts can now enjoy their favorite shows offline without any limitations. It is essential to note, however, that while downloading from Crunchyroll may seem like a simple process, it is important to adhere to copyright laws and regulations.

In conclusion, choose the downloader that best suits your needs and preferences, and remember to watch responsibly. Happy downloading!

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Evelyn Walters
Since 2019, I've been deeply involved in creating articles, especially in streaming services. I started contributing regularly to KeepStreams in 2021, focusing on analyzing different platforms and sharing insights. As a committed content creator here, I aim to use my expertise to create engaging and informative content for our readers.
Jessie Smith
Jessie Smith
If you are interested in what KeepStreams can save, movie should come first for one of its best features.

KeepStreams support most OTT platforms and movie streaming services, we offer great service to maintain the integrity of our brand experience.

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